Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Do People Conform and Obey - 1280 Words

Why do people conform and obey? Psychology Essay 4 Essay: Why do people conform and obey? In psychological terms, conformity refers to an individual`s urge to follow the rules or behaviours of a social group to which he belongs. Psychologists have put forward many theories to find out why people conform and obey and have completed studies to confirm their ideas. In this essay I will explain why people conform and obey. An important experiment demonstrating under which circumstances people showed conformity was done by a psychologist named Asch (1956). Asch`s experiments were made up to look like a vision test to the participating. The naive subjects did not know that the other participants in the experiment were all†¦show more content†¦The studies by Milgram show that the situation plays a large part in the levels of conformity shown but individuals also differ. For example, it might be that people who mainly conform tend to have less ego strength, less leadership ability and less mature social relationships. They might also feel inferior to the rest. Moscovici (1969) studied the influence of minorities on the responses of a largerShow MoreRelatedWe Must Obey And Obey Authority1184 Words   |  5 PagesWe as a society conform to the idea that it is always necessary to obey authority. This is such a normalized function of everyday life, that it has resulted in us losing sight of our own moral convictions. Not every act of this expected obedience is conscious. We have fell into the habit of obeying first and asking questions later. Even worse than that, we have developed a more destructive habit of not questioning authority at all. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay Pros and Cons of Computerized Accounting - 662 Words

Pros and Cons of Computerized Accounting There are many benefits of using a computerised accounting which I am going to list below and talk about in a little more detail. Ø Timesaving Ø Increased speed and accuracy Ø Less staff required Ø Less space need Timesaving It is fair to say that a computerised accounting system is much quicker than a manual accounting system as all the user has to do is enter the data into the computer and the computer will make the calculations and produce and print out any reports, invoices or credit notes at the touch of a button. Increased Speed and Accuracy The main benefit of the computerised accounting system is to carry out the†¦show more content†¦The most important advantage of using the computer is the speed with which the accounting can be done. As well it is very easy to do accounting functions. Posting to the ledger, a lengthily task of double entry, when done directly from the general ledger, can be largely automated when done through accounts payable or accounts receivable. With accounts receivable, you just need to enter the actual cash totals of items purchased and the software distributes these amounts to the general ledger so they become credits to corresponding revenue accounts. At the same time, an offsetting entry is made automatically to the accounts receivable account. With a computer, you can receive a balance sheet, income statement or other accounting reports at the touch of a button. Now I am going to evaluate some of the disadvantages of using a computerised accounting system. Loss of Data When you use a computer, it is possible that data can be lost because of hardware or software damage this can be a huge factor for a business regardless of its size if such damage occurs the business will have to spend money and time redoing the accounts and in the worst case scenario can lose customers due to misplacing or losing their data. Since the computerShow MoreRelatedPartnership686 Words   |  3 PagesCamisha Booker CA-156: Computerized Accounting 11 Partnership vs Sole Proprietorship March 11, 2014 Thinking about starting your own business? Do you prefer to work alone? Or do you prefer to work with a partner? If you choose to work with a partner then the best business structure for you would be the partnership structure. First you must ask yourself; do we have the same vision or objectives on how to run the business? Are we able to communicate well with each other? 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tracking Customer Behavior In Retail Using - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Tracking Customer Behavior In Fashion Retail Using? Answer: Introducation Motivation influences me to make purchases. A motive is an inner urge. An essential or a less basic need becomes a motive with an increase in intensity and sufficiently demands for action. These requirements arise from the state of mind (Parumasur and Roberts, 2014). The needs can be biogenic or psycogenic.Biogenic needs is thirst or hunger and psychogenic needs can be the urge to be recognized as trendy. The next thing that influences purchase is perception. Categorizing of information gathered from different occasions lead to pre-judging of products by classifying the products and their association. Some products end up being selected over others during a purchase due to a perception. During the buying, an expectation is registered in the mind on how an individual product works through advertisements and therefore make a purchase based on that understanding.Experience on product smells could trigger a memory, or have an association with a particular brand name. A brand name can also represent quality from an experience and vice versa. Data gathering before making a purchase Weighing the options on whether to make the major purchase is crucial. Purchase should be based on necessity. Buying an item that I do not already own is okay. However, acquiring new elements that already exist and not in a deplorable condition is unnecessary as the item can be repaired (Landmark and Siobakk, 2017). Seeking an expert's opinion in the interested field is crucial. The expert can give useful advice on whether to make the purchase or give a choice to making the purchase such as repairing the already existing item. Considering my budget before making a major purchase is important and should have an emergency fund put aside (Hollensen, 2015). A major purchase is to be made within my budgets range to avoid being caught up in debts; this means that I have to save money early enough to have enough money that is the estimated price of the intended item to be bought. Consequences of not making the purchase One can be torn in between making the new buying and repairing old items as an alternative. Therefore, analysing the consequences of not making the purchase gives a solution. Making repairs of worn out goods may end up costing more over time together with their maintenance compared to buying new products. New products can prove to be more economical by saving more time and cutting on maintenance cost. I find the data giving me advantages of making the new purchase more compelling such as the consequence of not making the purchase. Impulse buying Items bought impulsively are appealing when on display (Kim and Sharma, 2015). The logical part of the mind is affected, and irrational actions are triggered influencing the purchase of goods by impulse and for one to achieve gratification. I make an impulse purchase of goods such as clothes, bags, shoes or chocolates when out shopping. Improving on customer behavior Firstly, I have to stop impulse buying to improve on customer behavior.The best way to stop impulse buying is creating a budget list before going out to shop, this helps in purchasing goods within the budget. Secondly, getting an education on customer behavior will help in recognizing the important factors that should be considered when making a purchase. References Hollensen, S. (2015). Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Kim, C., Lee, H., Sharma, A. (2015). Adolescents Power and Perceived Influence in Family Purchase Decisions. In Proceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 24-29). Springer, Cham. Landmark, A. D. Sjbakk, B. (2017). Tracking customer behavior in fashion retail using RFID. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 45(7/8), 844-858. Parumasur, S. B., Roberts-Lombard, M. (Eds.). (2014). Consumer behavior. Juta.